Technology Installed Right

How Security Providers Can Improve the Customer

As security technology continues to evolve, organizations are constantly bombarded with many choices and decisions on what products to use, or what is the best value of security to meet their budgets.  Many variables go into these decisions including timing of the project, availability of resources, product knowledge, and trust of the security provider.

I see it all too often, organizations who spend a pretty penny on a security upgrade, only to find out too late that they are deploying a technology that will soon be end-of-life or the that the technology is a proprietary solution and not serviceable by anyone in the local market.  They base their decisions on other factors rather than working with a professional security provider that has their best interests in mind for long-term security planning.

In the world of security, things do change at a rapid pace and keeping up with technology is sometimes a difficult pursuit.    It begs the questions:

  • Who can I trust?
  • Will it work to meet our needs today and for years to come?
  • What are the benefits and limitations of the security design?
  • Are the products forward and backward compatible?

With the introduction of new products all the time, it is often difficult to make sound decisions that impact the security of your organization- long term.

Consider the following when choosing a security provider:

People: Does the security provider offer many different products yet are experts in none?  Or do they have staff who ARE trained to design, install and support best in class products?

Products: Does the security provider sell products that are serviceable by multiple vendors or are they completely proprietary?  This is extremely important when there is a need for service. Does the security provider have your best interests in mind when presenting a solution to meet your needs?

Process: Does your security provider respond to you in a timely manner for service, site surveys and/or technical design?  Real security is NOT “cookie cutter”.  A site survey IS required to determine the best security design for your needs.  A doctor would not recommend treatment without having seen you.  Do NOT trust a security provider who has a “one size, fits all” mentality.

What kinds of things would you like to see improved with your current security provider?  For people who are serious about security, we have solutions!

Written By:  David Aregood
Director of Sales, Security Install Solutions, Inc.

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