Technology Installed Right

Identity Theft Protection

When Harland Stonecipher was in a motor vehicle and hospitalized in 1969, he realized it was money, not rights that gained you access to our legal system.   After depleting his life savings defending himself against something he didn’t do, Stonecipher was determined to make legal protection accessible to everyone, everywhere, no matter how traumatic or trivial the situation, so that no one would ever be blindsided again. And that’s exactly what he did.

Now with over 4 million users, LegalShield not only provides legal services in 49 states and 4 Canadian Provinces; but also it provides confidence and peace of mind for families everywhere. For one low monthly fee our members gain access to high-quality law firms without having to worry about high hourly costs. Because our attorneys are all paid in advance, they provide the same level of service for trivial or traumatic legal situations.

With humble beginnings in Ada, Oklahoma, LegalShield has now grown to a 170,000-square-foot corporate office on an 80-acre campus with over 650 dedicated employees. Our leaders have decades of experience and our goal remains the same – to create a world where everyone can access legal protection and everyone can afford it.


Identity Theft

  1.  LegalShield Identity Theft members don’t have to be a victim of identity theft to benefit from consultation from one of Kroll’s Fraud Investigators or Certified Fraud Restoration Specialists – any active member with a concern about his or her identity has access to consultation and assistance.
  2. Identity can take a serious toll on lives. Identity thieves target millions of Americans, even children, each year. Thieves can wreak havoc on finances, credit history, cause time off work and a great deal of stress trying to resolve the matter. Take action now against this devastating crime with the Identity Theft Plan from LegalShield. Our valuable services include licensed experts that will step in and assist you in resolving your identity theft issue, so you can get back to work and back to your life.

What should I do if I have a concern about my credit report? 

You will be provided with a toll-free number to call and make a report. If the issue appears to be identity theft, you will be rushed a Fraud Restoration packet and our experts will assist you in taking the necessary steps to correct the inaccuracies.


What types of activity will be monitored on my credit report?

  • New accounts opened in your name
  • Derogatory notations made to your credit report
  • Inquiries are made on your credit report
  • Public records are added to your report
  • A change of address is requested

For more information regarding LegalShield plans, or to sign up, please visit the SIS LegalShield website.


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